Accounting Archives - Quantiphy


In a recent decision, a taxpayer’s claims for various work-related expenses were rejected by the AAT. The taxpayer was employed as a traffic controller in the 2020 income year.  In his income tax return for that year he claimed $9,800 in work-related deductions, including for car expenses (using the cents per km method), travel expenses,...

The ATO has been responsible for the administration of the early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds since 1 July 2018.   It will only approve a release of superannuation on compassionate grounds if the applicant meets all the conditions set out in the regulations, including that the applicant has no other means to pay the...

From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (‘PHEV’) will not be considered a zero or low emissions vehicle under fringe benefits tax (‘FBT’) law and will not be eligible for the electric car FBT exemption.  However, an employer can continue to apply the electric car exemption if: ■   use of the PHEV...

The ATO will acquire government payments data from government entities which administer government programs for the 2024 to 2026 income years, matching data on government payments made to service providers against ATO records, including service provider identification details and payment transaction details. The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 60,000 service providers will be...

The ATO has provided guidance about when an individual not carrying on an investment business may be entitled to a deduction for fees paid for financial advice. An individual is entitled to a deduction for fees for financial advice to the extent that the loss or outgoing is incurred in gaining or producing assessable income,...

As the festive season approaches, employers that hire new employees to help with their business should remember the following when it comes to their employer tax and super obligations: ❑ Employers should make sure they are withholding the right amount of tax from payments they make to their employees and other payees, especially as this...

The ATO will acquire officeholder data from  ASIC and other bodies for the 2024 to 2027 income years, including name, address, date of birth, ABN, contact details, organisation details and officeholder details. The ATO estimates that records relating to more than 11 million individuals will be obtained. The ATO will acquire property management data from...

One of the many responsibilities SMSF trustees have every income year is valuing their fund’s assets at market value. The market value of an asset is the amount that a willing buyer and seller would agree to in an arm’s-length transaction.  These valuations will be used  when preparing the fund’s accounts, statements and SMSF annual...

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